Sunday, February 25, 2018

Knitting Circle Fiber Arts Market

Trying to wind down from the excitement of meeting new fiber friends and catching up with my ever growing circle of wonderful lovers of natural soft shetland wool!  Had a terrific day at the Fiber Arts Market, first time I've had a booth and it was really great!

Hee hee.  I am terrible at tying up loose strands - see the black hat in center with the strand of yarn hanging off.  I will do anything to avoid threading a needle.

Van Packed and ready to go

The yarn display looks like such a mishmashy hodgepodge.  Every skein is so unique, good luck getting them to line up in a nice even row...

To those who purchased from me today, try a search on the ewe's name in the search window of the blog - there may be posts of WIP as I worked each ewe's fleece.  I also have series of photos on my Ravelry page for each if you just want to search for the ewe photos.

Thank you to everyone for your nice comments about our wool and breeding program, please keep me posted with your progress on knitting and spinning our wool!

Love to all - Jen

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